Lotspeich Leadership Academy Home

Igniting Brilliance, 
Transforming Lives, 
Empowering Generations

About Us

At Lotspeich Leadership Academy, we are committed to fostering an environment where student success is a collaborative effort between our school and our students' families. We believe that active parent participation is crucial in enhancing each student’s educational experience and overall achievement.
To support this partnership, we have designed our website to be a comprehensive resource for parents. Here, you will find everything you need to stay informed and engaged in your child's education, from important updates and event information to resources for academic support. Our website is optimized for both mobile devices and desktops, ensuring that you can easily access the information you need, whether you're at home or on the go.
Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. Together, we can achieve great things and make a lasting impact on our students' futures.
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Principal's Message Image

Principal's Message

I’m Jacqueline S. Padilla, and it is both an honor and a privilege to serve as the principal of Lotspeich Leadership Academy.  As someone who was born and raised in Weslaco, TX, and has dedicated my career to education, I am deeply committed to the success and well-being of every student in our district.
My journey began with the foundational values instilled in me by my mother, Lesbia V. Sepulveda, a hardworking farm worker who emphasized the importance of education and dedication. Despite the challenges of losing my father, Jesus Sepulveda, in Vietnam in 1972, my family remained a constant source of strength and inspiration.
Education has always been a beacon in my life. I graduated from Weslaco High School in 1986, actively participating in student organizations such as the Student Council and H.O.S.A., and was honored to be named in the Who’s Who’s list that year. My professional journey began as a teacher assistant for the Hidalgo County HeadStart Program in 1992, where a young student named Michael inspired me to further my education and ultimately become a teacher.
After working diligently to support myself through multiple jobs, I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from UT Pan American in 1996. My career began at Cleckler-Heald Elementary as a 1st grade teacher, and my passion for education continued to grow. I pursued a Master’s in Library Science in 2000 and had the opportunity to serve as a librarian, fostering a love for reading through events like Literacy Night, Author Studies, and Story Book Character Parades.
In 2002, I completed my Master’s in Educational Administration, which led me to various administrative roles including assistant principal, dean of instruction, and principal. Over my 27 years in education, I’ve had the opportunity to work at all three grade levels—elementary, middle, and high school—each experience enriching my perspective and strengthening my commitment to student success. I take pride in being a “Turn Around Principal,” dedicated to transforming educational environments and driving meaningful change for both students and staff.
I firmly believe in leading with my heart. My approach to leadership is grounded in empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact. I am committed to creating a nurturing and supportive environment where every student feels valued and motivated to reach their full potential.

My commitment to education extends beyond the classroom. I also served as a school board member at Monte Alto ISD, advocating for improved opportunities and resources for children.
As your principal, my goal is to ensure that every student is empowered to achieve their best and that our school community thrives in an atmosphere of respect and collaboration. Together with our dedicated staff, supportive families, and our bright students, I am excited to embark on this journey and achieve great things.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Warm regards,
Jacqueline S. Padilla

Our Mission

Empower, Inspire, and Invest in our students and staff, igniting the best versions of themselves.  Together, we positively impact our community and the world.